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  3. Saisie automatique Belgique Paramètres

Saisie automatique Belgique Paramètres

Autocomplete a Belgium address.

Remarque : Il s'agit de la documentation de l'API v2 qui est toujours en version bêta.

In case you don't know all of the required parameters, you can use the suggest call to gather them first.

If the input identifies a unique address, all available information about said address is returned. The default street, settlement, province will be in the language spoken for that region. E.g: For settlement, province and region in Flanders the default is Dutch. In Wallonia the default language spoken is French, except for German speaking parts where the default is German.

  • To validate if an address has either a streetNumber or a Premise, query through the streetNumberAndPremise field.
  • To validate if an address exists with a certain streetnumber, use the streetNumber field.
  • To validate if an address exists with a certain premise, use both the streetNumber and premise fields.
  • Either streetNumberAndPremise or streetNumber is required. If both are given, only streetNumber is used.

Paramètres requis

  • postalCode (string): The address's postal code which can be up to four digits long
  • street (string): The address's street name

Paramètres optionnels

  • streetNumberAndPremise (string): The address's streetnumber and premise (extension/addition)
  • streetNumber (string): The address's streetnumber
  • premise (string): The address's premise
  • box (string): The box (without box, bus, bte or boîte prefix)


authKey: This is the Authorization key. You have to add it as a GET parameter. Your auth key can be found on the CMS.