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  2. Informationen zur Entwickler-API
  3. Vorschlagen Belgien Siedlung Parameter

Vorschlagen Belgien Siedlung Parameter

Suggest a Belgium address field.

Hinweis: Dies ist die Dokumentation für die v2-API, die sich noch im Beta-Stadium befindet.

This will give autocomplete suggestions for Belgian settlements. Settlements will be returned based on postnames, postnames are (unofficial) cities within a settlement, e.g: Laken is a postname in Brussel.

Erforderliche Parameter

    Optionale Parameter

    • languageCode (string): When specified, this ISO 639-1 language code determines in which language the accompanied input filters will be applied. It does not affect the output languages. When unspecified, input filters are applied to all languages.
    • settlement (string): The address's settlement (city, town, village, or hamlet)
    • postalCode (string): The address's postal code which can be up to four digits long
    • maxResults (integer): The amount of results returned, a number between 0 and 999.
    • cursor (string): The page to return, the variables for the next/previous pages can be found in the results Link header.


    authKey: This is the Authorization key. You have to add it as a GET parameter. Your auth key can be found on the CMS.